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Why we know what we know?

When I am sitting down in front of my construction project, sometimes I ask myself this question. Why we know to build house as we (think) we know? The answer can go further in philosophy... because somebody else told us to build it like that and we are never challenging their words.
Why do you know how to cook a chicken in x way? because your mother told to do it in such a way....
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I think modern man slowly is forgetting this method of "trial and error"... and is just going on "order x on internet, is easier..."
Like you said many times on SN, people forget to do things by their own.
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idk if is getting simpler... sometimes I found out that some things already know from others or books, are not the right way or can be improved in "my way". But not always my way is simpler, it could be harder, but better (in my view).
So in this moment, I could create a new "historic line" of "knowing a thing", like another version in time.
Really bothers me this deep question of "why we know what we know"...