If you take into account that Volkswagen is a kind of litmus test and centerpiece for Germany as a business location, and if you consider the latest news that Volkswagen will probably have to close plants in Germany and then look at the share price compared to its key competitors, then you have to say that things look very dark for Germany and industry in Europe in general. With its erratic ideological policies, Germany is de-industrializing the continent and taking on incredible historical responsibility for what is to come, social volatility and decline. But these are categories in which political actors no longer think in their full supply today.
This is like one after another show going on in Germany right now! Companies after companies! It looks the procession will only end with the death of Germany as one of the economic powerhouse!
Looks like this time, Germany's competitors didn't have to go to war to fight their economic power, just selling Germans a green utopia and the country is happy to sabotage itself and go back too the stone age (i.e., burn coal and trees to save the planet, go figure...)
Volkswagen plans to focus on emerging markets such as India due to tensions between America and China, which make it complicated to operate between the two markets, according to Thomas Schafer, CEO of Volkswagen Passenger Cars
I've meet sooo many of those few, really capable people who simply walk away here...
Perhaps the best example was the son of a German general that I met in Vietnam, he is now making a good living importing tools for working with steel from China.
As well as the actual steel..................
Europistan is gone, we need to rebuild something new when the time is right!
Telsa is f***ING automobile market
I wonder if any of the others are going to shutter?
They'll follow