There is a point in our life where the sources of motivation change. In my case, when I was younger, I made my fundamental motivation to achieve a professional dream that when I think about it was my parents' dream. It's not that I don't like my profession, but I was so grateful to my parents that I allowed their dream to be mine.
Later, I found my motivation in the family I formed, the responsibility of fulfilling my responsibility as a father and head, even today I feel the same responsibility even though my children are already married and one of them has his son, my grandson, now another source of motivation.
But in recent times I really got to know, I had heard about it before, an asset that has stolen from me, BITCOIN, today it motivates me to a degree that I have gone back to reading as I did before, I study a lot, I investigate, at this point Stacker News has helped me a lot and motivates me even more. I am actually at a point where I can say I am happily MOTIVATED.
I love my family, I adore my profession, but with Bitcoin I see that everything is possible. Moving forward with my family and continuing with my profession. It gives me hope in a world where the opposite abounds: hopelessness and demotivation.
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I like how you express that Bitcoin is the icing on the cake, the enabler to what is already a meaningful life xP