I agree with you. And thank you for the work that you do. Sometimes it is frustrating... because of the misrepresentations in the media and because of the lack of education.
Bitcoin is a tool with many capabilities and strengths - but like any tool there are compromises and education is required as to how to best use it. I think over time the UI for users will become easier, lightning is amazing especially on Stacker News and with some of the things that are being done with Nostr... however it's still kinda painful to watch misrepresentations and the lack of education in the media and general public.
I'm not sure what I could compare it to... so maybe the 1990s internet I'm not sure. Or maybe the early days of the printing press, or the early days of gunpowder - a really civilization-changing idea or invention and with it the potential and responsibility and education and critical thinking. Which is unfortunately often missing in the media currently. Stacker news, integrated with lightning, really is hope for a better future imo.