This is propaganda. The idea is to make Europe think Russia is desperate when in reality Europe is crumbling, if Europe thinks Russia is crumbling they will support American sanctions longer even tho they also undermine Europe, and if they are lifted may bring Russia and Europe closer together which isolates USA. So USA wins if Europe crumbles + because then the american people will be like "gosh it might be bad here but at least we are not Europe" and stick with people like biden :)
Europe is also funneling billions worth of US weapons into Ukraine, the current situation is really good for US military industrial complex.
Maybe go out and touch some grass.
"These purchases indicate that the Russian military continues to suffer from severe supply shortages, due in part because of export controls and sanctions and other examples and lines of efforts that we have to hold Russia accountable,"
You heard the man. The sanctions are working! Keep it up Europe (As europe is literally collapsing from an energy crisis in large part due to said sanctions). So its obvious the USA wants the sanctions to go on and that Europe is incredibly stupid if it continues to play along. It has been a complete self own so far
The sad thing about brain rot like yours is that it solely about being smarter than everyone else. Maybe it even is that you desperately want somebody to be in control that secretly pulls the strings. I pity you.