There's no conflict between minimalism and growth.
But, I see it the same way, I'm not arguing against that. On the contrary, I think that just some twitches on the structure and operation of some tools SN already has and the ones that are in development can unblock potential within the same minimalism.
For regulatory reasons, SN won't be providing wallets.
Very sad to hear that, I didn't know nor expected that there were regulatory constraints on those tools :/
I don't think we were disagreeing. I just wanted to spell out that point.
The wallet situation is a little sad, but that will just have to be something people learn how to do on SN, but actually do elsewhere.
But I did wanted to disagree, then pretend I didn't, and then go back and forth letting chaos ensue. I can't work this way @Undisciplined, I hope you will reconsider your attitude.
Fine! You're wrong about everything, you son of a bitch!
ahhhh... this is what social interaction is about :')