Very interesting, thanks. I love hearing about these types of utopian communities. It's fascinating how often people have tried to create heaven on earth. This particular payment system that they tried to used sounds wacky and probably a part of why it failed.
The arrangements of marriage were, of course, left entirely to the men and women themselves. They could be married formally or otherwise, live in the same or separate houses, and have their relation known or unknown to the rest of the village. The relation could be dissolved at pleasure without any formulas. Certain customs had grown out of the absence of marriage laws. Secrecy was very general, and it was not considered polite to inquire who might be the father of a newborn child, or who the husband or wife of any individual might be. Those who stood in the relation of husband or wife wore upon the finger a red thread; and so long as that badge was visible the person was understood to be married. If it disappeared the marriage was at an end.
I lived at a commune for some time, many decades ago. Very interesting experience, I might write it up on a stacker news post someday.
Please do write about your experience. I've also always been fascinated by these types of projects. I grew up in a small hippie town, but not a commune.
You definitely should. I find these Utopian attempts fascinating. I'm sure others do too.