Nation states operate under the assumption that their governments act in the best interests of their citizens. Yes European/Western governments have done this more successfully than African ones. Europe has succeeded in capturing, controlling and effectively subjugating Africa and most of the rest of the planets peoples and resources. Allowing uncontrolled immigration into Europe on the basis of guilt for past success in asserting itself better than those it has subjugated will however not benefit Europe. It is national, cultural and economic suicide and is occurring because modern Europe has lost its sense of self worth and thus the ability to assert itself. Ultimately this is part of the process that is leading towards China assuming a much stronger global role and western countries increasingly collapsing into cultural and economic chaos. Because China appears to be able to unite and focus its strategic ambitions and still sees itself as worthy of dominating others it looks likely to succeed while Europe drowns in a toxic stew of guilt and self doubt. The dominance European people have gained is not inviolable. It can be and increasingly looks likely to be lost. Most Europeans still however appear unable to conceive of this harsh reality and by the time they do, it may well be too late.