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I essentially don't work, so let's put that aside. I'm 24 hours with my family. We all live together as is norm in India. The best thing is that I'm with my wife 24x7 for the next 6 months as we're expecting our first kid in October.
Congratulations 🎉🎉
Ab to party deni paregi...
You have to give us big party now. When is the date?
Sure! Whenever, wherever you say!
Be ready I'll tell you..
Thanks man! I'm very happy being with her. But admit that I'm a little nervous as well. I think, this must have happened with evryone.
We started a family a little older in life, so we were ready.
I'm also in my 40s. Financially and otherwise, I'm also ready. Just nervous, for you know, can't wait feeling... Like I jist keep making plans in my head for this or that foe the baby and the mommy...
A fellow older parent! Special challenges, like when strangers assume your daughter is your grand daughter.
Haha! But I look very young. Nobody realises that I can be 35 or 36. I won a lot of bets on this
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