consider this bruce lee interview excerpt from 1971 (wtf happened then? haha).
he says that in the process of martial art education, one has to combine the control with the instinct, so that we do not become too mechanical or too unscientific in our movements. he further says that we have to be unnaturally natural or naturally unnatural. it's the ying and the yang.
in my learning from mark passio, he talks about the left and right hemisphere balancing. the left hemisphere is the "control" or logical brain that bruce lee refers to, and the right hemisphere is the "instinct" or creative brain that bruce lee refers to. the meanings of words were not quite the same as we think of them today, but that's my interpretation.
bitcoin networking (people interacting thru bitcoin) is, in a way, naturally unnatural: we are getting excited over the unnatural made-up magic internet money, but it feels very natural, because we routinely talk about everything, including the meaning of life.
ASIC running SHA256 is like bruce lee doing 200 million million roundhouse kicks per second. bitcoin is the latest iteration in martial arts.
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another good excerpt from an earlier interview in 1965: