Quite colorful and artistic, but I do not agree with child labor, I am sure that if that lady looked for a different way of working without exposing her children to the street, she would find another type of activity to do, with dignity and without using the children. During the plan-demic it was normal to see people doing those jobs, cleaning the street to survive. But today, 4 years later, it is more than confirmed that many of those people today do not need to be on that bridge cleaning waiting for alms to be able to eat, they are simply people who got used to the situation of earning a living through tips or alms that people give you, without much effort and without anyone saying anything to them, that is part of the bad thinking 💭 that was created with so many years of socialism in Venezuela. Many people live believing that the world should take care of them, and more so with that issue that they are needy migrants.
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