Interesting, hadn't heard of this one.
“People were calling in reports of damage all over the city. I saw it myself – perfectly round holes in windows, about the size of a coin. They went through both panes of double-glazed windows, but there was no broken glass. It was as if the holes had been carefully drilled.”
I've read stories similar to this, of lightsaber-like cuts and holes in things that aren't just cattle.
  • Bill English talked about being sent out to a downed B-52 in the jungle of Vietnam. The plane was mostly fine, like it had been dropped in place, but the crew (and maybe some of the plane I can't remember) was mutilated with laser-like holes.
  • Lue Elizondo's new book, small holes in an M1 Abrams Tank
Yeah, this one was new to me too. It is very interesting that so many different incidents share similar phenomena.