Weirdest job - working with a botanist to identify and map rain forest trees in Puerto Rico, in El Yunque.
I got really good at identifying a lot of different tropical trees very quickly, by looking at leaves, bark, or doing a small cut and checking the sap, etc. I was working outdoors all day, which was also fun (for a while).
It was interesting, but I wouldn't want to work a job like that for more than I did, which was about 3 months. Just too much of the same work, not building anything lasting.
It was fun when we occasionally hit a different tree that we hadn't seen yet. I also tasted a rose apple tree - which is exactly what it sounds like, the fruit tastes exactly how roses smell.
Also, I had the best nap ever while doing this job. After lunch, sprawled on the trunk of a huge tree that had fallen down, face down on the sweet smelling bark, ah...
Okay, one more weird job. My first attempt at being an entrepreneur. I had read about a business idea, which was to get a set of number stencils, and then offer to paint people's house numbers on the curb. So, I bought the number stencils, and started knocking on doors.
I got discouraged (I was in my early teens), but thinking back, it was a decent idea - I knocked on doors for maybe 2 hours, and got one person to pay for the service, which paid me back for the stencils and the paint, AND paid me at least minimum wage for the time I spent. Then everything else would have been profit....