Yikes, this thread is toxic. Clearly there are some strong feelings about Mutiny in both directions.
I admire the work Tony and Ben have done to get Mutiny working the way it does. Mutiny is particularly impressive to me as it's one of the few wallets available today which manages L1, L2 (lightning), and L3 (fedimint) transactions in one unified package which at least tries very hard to be non-custodial. That's no small feat. That said, I don't use Mutiny myself, as I'm not a huge fan of PWA wallets, for security reasons, but clearly for many people the convenience was worth the risk.
I hope someone carries on developing Mutiny's open source code. The bitcoin wallet ecosystem needs greater diversity to support the great diversity of people on earth and their needs. Every honest bitcoin wallet which shuts down is a net loss to everyone invested in that ecosystem. I'm loathe to see stackers like @DarthCoin in this thread espousing "i told you so," calling the devs grifters, childishly behaving as if this event were a positive thing. But haters gonna hate, and we devs have to shut it out and focus on what matters.
@TonyGiorgio has always seemed like a reasonable person to me and I don't blame him for disembarking this peculiar train he was conducting. I wish you all the best of fortunes in your future endeavors, sir.