Well done, great interview.
I've been spending a lot of time with B-cashers recently, and I just finished reading Roger's new book "Hijacking Bitcoin". While watching this interview, in my mind I could hear the B-Cashers screaming at you for missing so much of the argument.
For example, the section here discussing Adam Back.... the B-Cashers believe that Adam is in bed with the Bilderbergs and central bankers. The funding for Blockstream mostly came from these groups in the early days. In their view, Adam is completely compromised and nothing he says in r/btc can be taken seriously. So, they would view Christian's conversion via Adam to be extremely blasphemous.
I'm not a B-Casher, but I do crave content that addresses their perspectives and properly debunks them. I think they've been gaining ground recently, especially since Roger's book came out. I think small-blockers have generally grown complacent, and arrogant.... a trend I hope we can reverse.