Miner hosting isn't for everyone and most people shouldn't buy it. The economics of mining are brutal. That being said, here are some options I have available and happy to talk through any questions anyone has.
You can hit me up on twitter or telegram at the username @kaboomracksalex for both.
We currently have two options available, and are selling miners into hosting at cost. The best miner, and only miner worth deploying in most situations in the S21 Pro 234t. I'll do a write up at some point here soon about why I think it's the best miner on the market right now.
Our first offering is hosting in Houston, TX for smaller orders. The cost is $0.072/kWh which for the 21 Pro comes out to $165 month. When you purchase this option, you pay the cost for the miner $4659 and $497 for the first and last 2 months of hosting. The last two months act as a deposit and will be applied to your last two months of hosting fees. We offer 12 or 24 month contracts. The total cost to get fully setup is $5156 and the timeline to get online is roughly 3 weeks.
Our second offering is for larger customers who want to take advantage of the ERCOT power markets. The minimum order quantity is 500kW or roughly 130 S21 Pros. You can either bring your own container, or purchase one from us, but buying the infrastructure is required to get access to this. The base rate with 95% uptime and 5% curtailment is $0.065/kWh. That rate can be lowered with a more aggressive curtailment strategy which can be adjusted monthly depending on the market conditions. There may be a point where you even might want the option to shut off entirely which we can offer.
The $0.065/kWh is an estimate based on historical pricing over the last 5 years, and is not a constant rate, but an average. There are points in the year, typically during the colder months that it will be cheaper. The curtailment will be variable depending on power markets, but typically happens more in the summer when there is more grid demand and power prices go up.
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Can a customer request to shut off in the hot summer months, i.e. Jun to Sep?
You have the ability to with the larger deployment strategy. We are open to it, but it's not standard to do so. Typically, when hosts shut down miners, it just means they mine themselves with it and don't bill the customer.
We have to hit power targets so it's really not ideal. I wouldn't count on us doing it for smaller deployments.
Are these models profitable now? Or are you mining at a loss for KYC free sats?
The newer 21 generation miners are profitable. Depending on what difficulty and price does, it's not guaranteed. Older 19 series miners not so much. All of this changes if and when the price runs up.
When you are mining in the bull market, it becomes extremely profitable. I would love to discuss more, and I kind of assume I'll try to talk you out of it if you reach out because it's going to be more difficult for smaller scale miners to be successful going forward.