This 71-year-old naturopath says true healing comes from nature, not drugs.
Barbara O’Neill.
Here are some of her essential laws for optimal health and longevity:


Barbara says the sun is the sky's doctor, vital for daily visits. While we're told to use sunscreen against 'harmful' UV rays, studies show sunscreen's chemicals can disrupt hormones and cause skin cancer. Barbara advises sun in moderation, not sunscreen.

Use of Water

True hydration: Water + Celtic Sea Salt (CSS). CSS contains magnesium chloride, bromide, and sulfate. Mucous membranes absorb the minerals from CSS and take them to the cell. Once you drink water, those minerals pull the water inside the cell.


Sleep gives our brain cells a chance to heal. When not, it leads to premature aging, disease, and poor overall functioning in an organ or tissue. She says 8 hours of sleep is a MUST. But why? Because during sleep, the pineal gland releases these hormones: • Serotonin (mood hormone) • Epithalamin (increases learning capacity) • Melatonin (fix and rejuvenation hormone) • Arginine vasotocin (puts you in a deep sleep) The pineal gland will release these hormones each night (once asleep).

Trust in God

Barbara claims we can heal physically and mentally using God-given resources: water, herbs, and our brains. This divine toolkit helps us overcome any illness. You can't heal if you don't BELIEVE that you can heal first.


She teaches that these foods and stimulants should be removed from our bodies to prevent harm to them: • Refined sugar • Caffeine • Alcohol • Tobacco • Drugs • Herbicides • Insecticides • Mould These are scientifically proven to be detrimental.


The presence of oxygen is the absence of disease. Always INHALE through the nose. When you nose-breath, you open small canals in the back of the nose.
This helps the brain get more oxygen and detoxifies your body.
We have numerous detox pathways we can use: • Liver • Skin • Lungs • Breath • Kidneys • Colon and intestines The best way to clear the nasal passage is with facial stretches and fire breathing.


Exercise is essential. It boasts: • Mental health (endorphin rush) • Skin (improved circulation) • Heart, bones, and muscles (increased strength)
Pharmaceutical corporations tried to ban her alternative medicine practice. They alleged her natural healing methods were 'harmful' due to the absence of drugs.
But are her methods truly dangerous?
Or does she pose a threat to their profits?
What do you think?
For me what changed a lot was ciclying more and on the hills, I had sun and meat anough before. But biking now follwing my instincts, not that old fiat training, biking like i did as a kid, respecting my body limits. It feels so good and natural!
Eating prasadam is essential also. Satvic foods build the gateways to a superior mind. Also chanting the holy names of God release the prison of material slavery. Finally, sleep is good but also devotional practice eliminates the burdens of material slavery which lead to the mind holistically activated.