This "little" project of yours is a product of your very own blood, sweat and tears.
you are very right: I was sweating a lot but also was a good thing for my health: I usually lose between 5 and 10 kilos per summer when I work there. A lot of sweat. The bad thing is that between october and may I sit down in front of my PC and write a lot on SN posts.
But once I finish this 1st house, will spend more time on that place building more things on site and getting rid of sedentary life.
Good thing that we can see more of your off the grid place since you are so health conscious. I hope I can muster the strength to emulate 10% of what you have done.
I am not so young anymore and I realize that is not so easy after 50 yrs. I am over 50 years old but I hope that this project will prolong my life with another 50 years. That's why I take it slowly with patience. I still have 50 years more to enjoy all the experience :)
Are you going to setup a node that uses an old satellite dish? I made one with an old dish network dish with blockstreams code. It only receives and doesn’t broadcast though…
Freaking awesome and amazing man! You are giving me inspiration!!