That's a long podcast :)
Luckily, timestaps below were helpful. About this point, seems like 00:44:44 is what you refer to. Quickly listened to it, and this seems to be the good use cases the mempool team highlights:
  • good way to monetize, after the early days where they could get lots of grants.
  • convenience, just need to scan a LN invoice to accelerate your transaction to the front of the mempool.
  • you can use it if your wallet does not support RBF.
  • you can use it for some multisigs where RBF is not available
  • centralized approach is more efficient
  • "if not us, than who?"; "nefarious actors might also want to do it" (seems like same argument amboss used to justify they publish LN channel liquidity details thanks to insights they have thanks to their platform, even if it goes against the spirit of LN privacy)
Other than that, it's a lot of unstructured chatting, so I maybe missed something.
But all in all, seems like there is a need, especially for less technical users. And it makes sense they want to monetize their platform one way or another.
I probably won't have a need for it, but who knows.
Nice! That’s what I was referring to. It does seem like it’s mostly geared towards less technical users.