I'd be very proud if I were you.
I do not want to be proud of myself... I want more people to think about doing the (almost) same thing, like you said, something for themselves. I like to lead by example, to give people some hope in this fucked up world.
This "citadel" (if you can name it like that) is just a testing ground to show other people that human effort and dedication is not so impossible if you really want it.
We depend too much about others "services" nowadays and we are forgetting to do things by himself. Stupid simple things. yes, this house is not some simple stupid thing, is quite complicated if you look deep inside. Is not a joke, it started like a joke, but is getting really serious in the end.
I really hope this project will be a good example for others, to look deep into their heart and soul and start something like that by their own. Is an amazing experience. Think about that I was almost my entire life a fucking IT guy, submerged into servers, cables, hardware, software and shit like that. Then suddenly I decided to go nuts and build a earthbags house by my own in the middle of nowhere, with no route access and materials... really nuts!
bookmarked that podcast