In my Advanced AI Lab we learned how this is a general trend across all aspects of scams and cybersecurity. What is even worse is how a lot of these people who are doing them are people who have been trafficked into Southeast Asia and more or less are stuck in a call center where they execute pig butchering schemes. For the most part these individuals are obviously located outside the US so the US cannot do anything but can literally see the building but the governments they are located in either A do not care or B are getting $$$ from the criminal organizations running them.
Horrific thing across the board.
This is wrong, and the government wont do anything until they themselves are effected.
Myanmar's military needs the $$$ as they continue to fail to gain control of the country and so they cut deals with these orgs. A lot of people have forgotten about the conflict since the military arrested the democratically elected leader for limiting the military power in the government. Ethnic cleansing is happening once again in Myanmar but no one cares.
Scams will only prosper if you have some hidden desire to earn more in a very quick way. They are exploiting that hidden desire hence high paying salaries for workers and the best perks that you could only dream of in your lifetime. It is gut wrenching but lucrative.
Yeah it has a specific victim criteria set and I am not sure that there is a way to really protect them without some sort of societal change.
crypto scam, run yahoo ads, rope in whoever. vs go 1 on 1 sweetheart scam (often using slave labor) to onboard.
analogous to targetted versus untargetted attacks for hacking.
basically people are adapting to the untargetted, so targetted is next evolution.
when sweetheart scams stop being economical, this is when you might start seeing kidnap gangs being run in organized mafia way.
hope that doesn't happen, but idk. seems at least plausible if not likely.
we probably have a few more years though.
when everyone is concealed carry, the final evolution would be something like taking kindergartens hostage with explosives
definitely hope we don't get there as a society.
law enforcement has to get a clue of what's coming.
we should treat these slave pig butchering scams as national security threats, nip them in the bud before they evolve into something even worse.
instead of dicking around persecuting founder of down Backpage.Com
In the US law enforcement is stuck at the moment because of how Myanmar and Laos are governmentally. Myanmar is having a full-blown civil war with the military completely incapable of leading and Laos is so much in China's circle and these criminal orgs are often run by Chinese that since they arent doing it in China it will take some dramatic thing to get China to step in and address the situation they are enabling.
Pig butchering never made any sense to me. If someone wants to buy 'crypto' or 'invest' in it... there are numerous mainstream exchanges to use and become familiar with. There is even a regulated bitcoin etf in some countries. Furthermore.... any of the popular crypto 'coins' and 'tokens' can be tracked in a portfolio manager or tracked manually just by their price. I don't understand why someone would need a sketchy-looking website to 'invest' with.
When people fall for these pig-butchering scams... what do they think they're buying anyway? The next frog-coin?
It's a targetted sweetheart scam.
These are a lot of work, and maybe only economical under slave labor conditions (the article suggests).
A repulsive economy.
Yeah they have taken off because of human trafficking in Southeast Asia sadly... Without governments to step in and help these people it is a complete disaster for those trafficked. Myanmar is in such disarray that criminal organizations can either buy off the military or buy of the regional militias in charge to run their opperation