This morning American Hero Joe Kernen along with Becky Quick were at it once again dishing out the cold hard truth on CNBC. If you ever need a quick laugh CNBC before the market opens tends to be the place to be for you because of the people they have on... I wish I lived in the fairy tale world they live in because it must just be magical!
Today a guy from the hundreds of economic councils based in Washington, DC was trying to hype up the Harris economy and dish out how she will fix the government and taxes. Watching Joe just systematically undress someone's argument with cold hard facts is a sight to behold and this time he was not alone! Becky was quick to further pick apart the whole plan over taxes.
I am used to Joe leading the charge but this time around it was Becky. She tried her best to not snap but you could see the dodging of questions over raising the topline tax rate to over 44% and the unrealized gains idea was pushing her to her limit. Joe easily identified this and then he pounced while the guy from the economic council tried to say, "Oh it only affects X amount of people" to which Joe retorted how oh since it isn't me it isn't a huge deal since it is someone else.
When the justification for the unrealised tax on people already exists with PROPERTY TAX I am not sure between Becky and Joe who was bamboozled more. Becky was quick to point out that when people pay property tax they, the homeowners, actually get government services in return while under the proposals from the Harris Campaign that isn't happening it is taking people's money and giving it to someone else. Joe went after it from the legality mixed in with doubling down on Becky's saying that the member of the council needed to stop with the trope that property taxes and an unrealized gains tax are in the same vein.
It seems this morning that Joe and Becky are spending this morning going over the two candidates' policies with a number of guests. There are two on right now one of which is an economic professor from the University of Michigan who is highlighting issues with both sides and this Michigan professor is doing a pretty solid job of pointing out key issues with both politicians and quoting them. This discussion might be one of the best I have seen and how much information is actually being presented.
22 sats \ 1 reply \ @gmd 28 Aug
Hmmm I will see what I can find! I honestly am not sure where to look but I will give it a shot!
First one is the guy that couldn't deal with the second was the much better discussion