Dear. I have read your reflection and it seems to me that you and your team are pillars in the development of a system, which turns out many years, thousands, had to pass before Satoshi Nakamoto, whoever he was, discovered something better than fiat money, only comparable to gold, Bitcoin being superior to it in some aspects.
So please, no matter what happens around you, the Bitcoin community, made up of people of all types and backgrounds, some of us have already understood what Bitcoin follows, others still to know and that causes trivial analysis, governments that do not They want the adoption of Bitcoin, but they have thousands of BTC in their possession, a financial system that wants to maintain the dominance and slavery of humanity, which otherwise enjoys being a slave to that financial system, technological and legal challenges.
In short, not all of humanity is ready for Bitcoin. But you, your team and many others are. SO DON'T GIVE UP. THOSE WHO ARE BAD ARE THE REST. SUCCESSFUL