So obviously the tipping on SN allows the signal to rise above the noise which is a great concept.
But I also find it really compelling that a good post could have an evergreen quality and continue to generate sats. One example I keep thinking of is imagine if you could keep tipping Hal Finney's old posts and the sats went to his family. Or for example, tons of controversial news stories in the last few years. Imagine if we elevated the truth, almost like a prediction market. Like going back and recognizing that someone was correct, even though at the time it was a controversial opinion.
Do you think we users of SN should encourage this behavior, focus on newer content, or try to find a good balance of the two? I see SN blurring the lines between substack/twitter/reddit in the best way possible.
+100 sats. I would like a feature to tip older posts to return them to "top" (e.g. useful Bitcoin platforms, informative articles or interesting discussion topics). For example, if "" or "What Bitcoin payment gateways do you recommend?" was posted December 1 2021, you could tip that post to bring it back to "top" (instead of making a duplicate post).
This is a good idea. I wonder if it could be another type of sort. I don’t know how best to capture the use case though. Recently tipped?
It would be nice if it could bring the post back to "top" (to keep a focus on news, older posts could require higher tips to return to "top"). But a "recently tipped" category would also be great. (Also an ability to "bump" your old posts via boosts would be nice.)
Maybe just a top level "sats" and then suboptions "most recent" "most all time" "most active" etc...
But also an interesting thought experiment to see what happens in anarchy where sats activity is the only metric that matters, no weighting for recency etc. Perhaps allowing that functionality for sub-forums would be a cool feature down the line. Would be a great fit with certain types of content.