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What Is This?

This is an experiment inspired by discussions and posts made by @Undisciplined, @elvismercury and others regarding evergreen content on SN. I’ll dig back into the past to try to locate some great posts that might be worth another read. I plan to make these posts every Tuesday.
Here are this week’s selections:
No one knows more about zapping on Stacker News than @Undisciplined. He has made a few posts regarding this topic, but this was his highest ranked, and it inspired a lot of discussion and many valuable comments.
I remember this post as being one of the most thoughtful, well organized, and well written posts ever to appear on Stacker News. The subject matter- energy interconnectors, might not seem so exciting, but it is very relevant to bitcoin mining. This post is well worth your time.
Comments and suggestions are welcome
You guys cheerfully share so much knowledge, I can only be grateful and say I'm at the right place!!
This post is superb! I'm gonna keep it in bookmarks and also the one from @Undisciplined.
For my 15 days with SN, I've just come here once a day that too for a few minutes. I read whatever I can find close to my interest. I zap posts and comments and go back. What I can see that my Sats have been increasing daily and within a few days I've accumulated 25k.
However, I'm still not fully aware, how all of this works but I'm enjoying this part of 'give and take' here on SN!
Thank you everyone!!
As usual, great posts selection. Both posts are good. Learned a lot from this post Optimal Zapping on Stacker News by @Undisciplined and What can I say about the Intercontinental energy grids. 🌎←♻️→🌍? Honestly, if we want to write content then we should learn from @mallardshead
I don’t like to give @Undisciplined credit for anything but when I do, it’s for his ability to shame others into zapping more.
Shame is a last resort. I started with rational self interest.
Ah yes true. You do keep trying to hammer the point the more you zap the more you will get zapped.
What does it say that I've never even attempted to appeal to people's good will?
I did that in my post about donating to the rewards and I think @IamSINGLE and I are the only ones donating to rewards daily.
Slander! I donate everyday an amount equal to my cowboy hat streak.
appreciate the format you're using for these. two is a good number and with your commentary, it's rich but not too much
Glad to hear it. I was looking for the right balance using my own tiny attention span as a model.
I wonder if I could make a new image for you, tho
That would be fantastic!
cool! how do you like the cowboy
Nice. This will work. If you have other ideas you can take a poll among the stackers. To be clear, I'm happy with this.
Although my zapping habits have changed, the approach outlined in my post helped me find the right level.
TL;DR Zap big. Zap often.
I also remember that @mallardshead post. Another great stacker lost to the mists of time.
Mallard was great. He was part of the NFL pool last year. Sorry to see him go. I do hope after summer vacation some of the regulars return.
It’s true what you said. @mallardshead made me realise that when you have deep mastery and passion for a subject, your writing takes on a life of its own. Thanks for bringing it to our notice