There must be incredible pressure on Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell, seeing how the Wall Street-controlled media and forecasting institutions keep calling for faster and faster interest rate cuts. Of course, for the Wall Street vultures and the fiat profiteers, it can't go fast enough with the money printers.
Basically, we should freeze interest rates where they are now for years or even raise them further to make capital expensive and ensure a healthy capital market again. The Cantillon party has long since taken on grotesque and socially perverse traits. Half of society is on the drip of subsidies or the money printer-this cannot go on, we must insist on the restoration of free capital markets.
82 sats \ 1 reply \ @siggy47 27 Aug
💯 Imagine the mess this would make of other global currencies, though? Not that I think for a minute that's the motivation for the push!
It might be. Dollar hegemony has been slipping for awhile. Maybe there's a priority on restoring it.
If you're familiar with aircraft you're familiar with the concept of a stall... that's where the plane loses speed to a point that it stops generating lift and falls straight down out of the sky
Velocity of money in a fiat system works the same way, this is why the fed is trapped and fiat systems are unsustainable... it's a gross misunderstanding to think you can apply fiscal discipline to it. It also underestimates natural deflation's ability to keep the system going in the face of printing and false rates.
"You can't taper a ponzi", if they wait just a little too log to cut rates or print, velocity stalls and that's the end of the system as we know it. That's the no landing scenario. Wall Street banks are the stall warning system.
Bitcoin is here as a parachute, not to land the plane.
82 sats \ 0 replies \ @Golu 27 Aug
we must insist on the restoration of free capital markets.
We can insist but governments won't do it. I doubt if they even understand the logistics of money!
This is the end of their money printing party and the start of a 100,000 years of Bitcoin party.
Hope You're right
47 sats \ 4 replies \ @Cje95 27 Aug
These predictions always have me laughing.... Remember this year people were 110% sure of 2 to 3 cuts with some saying 4. It is only now that it looks like we will get the September cut. People making these predictions seem to fail to take into account the political pressure associated with these cuts. Those who think we are going to get a 50-point or higher cut in September are crazy because of how close it is to the elections. Powell has made it clear he doesn't want the Fed to be used either way in the elections and the only way to do that is a 25-point cut in September than leaving it alone till December.
With how slow the Fed was to act it baffles me that people think they will be quick to act again. Unless the markets just absolutely melt down and we have some crisis like in 07/08 the Fed has no reason to accelerate cuts.
Imagina a world without the Fed Put...
47 sats \ 2 replies \ @Cje95 27 Aug
Sir I believe you are talking about some alien form of witchcraft for don't we all love our overlords and saviors the supreme and all-powerful Fed and their fearless leader Jerome Powell!
Didn't You see the UFOs last week?
Dang it I missed the signal!!!! UGH!!!
so just find more buckets to bail the Titanic with 🤣🤣🤣
If that were to happen it’s common folk who get punished. The corporations and the Warren buffets of the world will just cut costs and raise prices. Cutting costs = layoffs. Common people just trying to make a way for themselves. While yes cutting off the printer will starve over leveraged businesses like McDonald’s but at what cost?? We are in a real quagmire
real interest rates that reflect the scarcity of capital would actually be normality. to get there, society will have to go through a painful period. but i don't see how we will recover if we want to overcome the fiat circus!
I am hoping bitcoin can be that fiat release valve. I think this is why the fed wants to pivot people die when unemployment goes up. And hopefully they get this soft landing.