This crazy conspiracy theory has been off my radar my whole life, though I grew up listening to this music. I was aware that major record companies had manufactured "fake bands" in the mid 60s. The Monkees come to mind.
I tend to stop reading articles when they feel the need to point out when someone's Jewish -- it's a sign the writer's got an agenda that can never be in line with mine -- but given the upper-middle class backgrounds of so many of the '60s and '70s generations of US rockers, I'm not shocked that a lot of them come from families that prospered from the military industrial complex.
I agree. That sentence was off putting. I don't really buy the whole conspiracy theory, even aside from that. For instance, Jackson Brown's father working on reconstruction in Germany implies he worked for OSS. My father was stationed in Germany too. There was a draft back then. Just about everyone's father was military.
It's been long known that the recording industry is like a mafia of its own. That it extends to intelligence would be a natural consequence of the first fact.
psychedelic rocker cum shock-rocker Alice Cooper
Do what?
Laurel Canyon is a trendy neighborhood.
Jim Morrison house had a fire in 2012; not sure what survived.
Remember the Wonderland murders in 1981? Happened on Wonderland Ave. The elementary school for Laurel Canyon is Wonderland Elementary
Everything at scale is an influence operation, pop culture is a particularly powerful tool as it is how consent is manufactured, and how the the silent majority get tricked into thinking they are a minority thus keeping them out of the fight. Commies have even outlined their playbook in various texts. McCarthy was right about everything.
Fortunately its not all one-sided, we're just caught on a battlefield which is why everything seems like a mess. It's a civil war that's been hot for awhile.
This coming fake election script will certainly be interesting, what it kicks off for 2025 maybe even more so... get your popcorn ready.