Absolutely I think GME is what prompted a lot of people who were normies or just generally financially illiterate to really start thinking critically about our monetary system. The realization that the brokers had turned off the buy button in order to save short hedge funds and in reality save the entire system from imploding was mind-boggling, and raised a bunch of questions for people, including if they could even trust their bank.
A lot of reddit users then started following me down the rabbit hole of bitcoin content and I've privately gotten dozens if not hundreds of DM's saying that my work completely changed their mind around bitcoin and they have come around buying bitcoin and putting it in cold storage.
This sad reality is we don't really own our stocks, the brokers own them for us. The solution to that is to defund the traditional financial system, and put the power back in the hands of the people.
The GameStop saga is still not fully over and I think more and more people will be orange pill as a result of everything that unfolds.
this territory is moderated
Thanks for the response. Glad to hear that the normies that got into GME have looked to learn more based on their experience. You are doing important work trying to educate folks.
GME business model is outdated?
I don’t recommend buying unless your goal is to squeeze short sellers
Yes totally agree which is why I think it is good that some GME fans are looking at Bitcoin now. It is a better way to express their frustration with the system.