I once read about an interesting psychological experiment. Maybe you know it, if not read the following story:
A very powerful but crazy witch decides to cast a spell on all of humanity. With a wave of her wand, she will make all man-made objects disappear and return the Earth to 200,000 BC. What remains are 8 billion naked people standing on grassy plains, in forests, swamps, tundra and deserts in the exact places where their towns and villages stood just a second ago. The people themselves have not changed, and everyone has in their heads what they had in their heads - their knowledge, memories, etc.
In addition, each of them is now just holding a note with a message in their own language:
I cursed all mankind - because, why not? The rules are this: I'll leave everything as it is until humanity can create a fully featured and fully functional equivalent of the ThinkPad X61. Once that happens, the spell will wear off and all the original man-made items will reappear.
A minute later, all the tickets disappear.
Your task is to guess whether and possibly how long it will take humanity to produce a ThinkPad and reverse the spell.
less then 1 year12.0%
until 5 years8.0%
until 10 years4.0%
until 50 years4.0%
until 100 years24.0%
untill 300 years0.0%
untill 1000 years4.0%
25 votes
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Voted "Never" because:
  1. It will likely take at least multiple generations.
  2. By the time they can create a Thinkpad, they will already have a lot of technology and infrastructure.
  3. The generation that has the ability to create the Thinkpad will have no connections to the old world. They will not want the new world erased in favor of the old world. Thus, they simply won't create the Thinkpad.
  4. The new world will simply continue on according to its natural development.
Yes, that's an interesting point. I think mostly everyone is thinking about how to undo it ;-)
The question isn't when Thinkpad. Its will they survive.
I think it will take a few years. There are many knowledgable people that could work together to make it happen. 1 year is too quick for sourcing, but anything longer than 5 years in my opinion is too bearish on all the knowledge there is in the world. Who knows we might be better off if we didn't have all these devices.
Erm what’s a ThinkPad? Sorry if I’m thinking too literally
Until 100 years
Well, this will take a very long time. Most people will just die, because food production will almost stop.
Sorry for my ignorance, it's a Thinkpad.?
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