Just live a normal simple life, far from big cities and stress. Stress is one of the biggest threat to human health.
My life motto is: smile, tomorrow will be worse.
Every day laugh at least once. A day that you didn't laugh is a lost day in your life.
I eat almost anything is comestible and have good taste, in regular quantities, without excess. Restricting some food from your diet, because x and y said something that "is not good for your health", I think is stupid. Eat whatever you like and make you feel good.
My "secret" of being healthy? Never listen the "doctors", never go to a hospital or medic. If I feel bad, I just relax, sleep well and think what I did/eat previous days. For each "bad feeling" there's a natural cure treatment, a plant or something. No fucking pharma pills!
Also a lot of walks into fresh air and nature. My every morning exercise is to walk some few km into a mountain path, early in the morning, when all creatures are waking up. Also I do long hiking walks. Living in a high mountain area is an advantage. Many mountain people live longer...
For each "bad feeling" there's a natural cure treatment, a plant or something.
I agree! I feel like the "hacks" to live a healthy life are living close to nature, from food to living, stay away from lab-made products. Do things you enjoy every day and have a few like-minded people to hang out with.
It seems that life can be so simple, yet sometimes I wonder why most people are doing the complete opposite 😂