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From Matthew Kratter's Bitcoin University

Video Description

In this video, I discuss the difference between producers and looters, and how Bitcoin incentivizes more producers and fewer looters.
Producers are inventors, creators, entrepreneurs, craftsmen, farmers, ranchers, carpenters, programmers, teachers, engineers, etc. who provide goods and services or work for businesses that provide goods and services that real people actually desire.
By contrast, looters steal things. Looters are people who break into your house or car and take things, or trick you into accidentally sending them money, etc.
There are other types of looters:
"Licensors" are people who take away your natural human right to do something (like drive a car, or cut someone else's hair) and then sell that right back to you in exchange for an annual extortion payment called a "license."
Another group of looters are the people who try to force you to buy something or do something that you don't want to buy or do.
Central banking is the looters' greatest invention ever. Central bankers make money at the press of a button, while you need to work for your money. Central bankers print up the same money for free and then use it to fund your oppressor (the federal government, with all of its violence, extortion, blackmail, and racketeering).
Bitcoin is the Great Shield, gifted to us by Satoshi himself, in order to help us to protect ourselves from the looters, the rent-seekers, and the other enemies of a just society that is built on the principles of freedom and voluntary exchange.
Anyone have a line to Kratter? He'd be a great ~AMA guest
I certainly don't. He's not even on nostr, afaik.
He is on nostr and twitter plus YouTube comments
he should be on stacker news
There is a lot of reason in this article... and the word licensors caught my attention... an example of this could be the tolls that exist on the roads... they take away your right to pass or circulate freely... and then they sell you a license that is automatically deducted from your money on a monthly basis... and so you supposedly have "the freedom to pass without wasting any time" in other words, a tremendous benefit... the truth is that it is a real abuse!!
Yep. They break your legs and then sell you crutches.