Consider checking out CASCDR for a private, lightning payable solution that manages a lot of complexity infra for you.
Some relevant applications:
  • RSS Agent - allows you to look up transcribe and summarize/make ai generated content any podcast episode of your choosing
  • General Purpose Transcription + Analysis - analyze any mp3/mp4 of your choosing paid in sats (blog post from yesterday's update on SN: #660416)
  • GPT 3.5 Proxy - quick and dirty proxy you can pay via lightning for anonymous requests
  • Image Generation - same as GPT but with images
I also gave a talk at a local meetup regarding the fundamentals of how AI works and how it dovetails with Lightning & what we want to accomplish at CASCDR . Deeplinked to the specific 10 min section about AI.
Every CASCDR service is payable via the bitcoin connect plugin with NWC/Alby/spin the wheel and bolt11 based so it preserves privacy without forcing you to manage all the infra/tech specs. There is also an option for a $9.99/month credit card plan for unlimited use if you're HODLING hard.
Hope this information helps you in your journey.
Cheers, Jim, Found of CASCDR