I recently signed up for Perplexity.AI - its basically a meta front-end for a few different models (ChatGPT, Sonar, Claude...)
However the secret sauce of perplexity is how you can organize you topics. So for example lets suppose you have specific questions about programming NodeJS on a BeagleBoard. You create a "Collection" and give it a prompt such as "You are a technical assistant and you will assist me in developing code for the BeagleBoard SBC running NodeJS programs. Please also refer to these documents where appropriate...." (then you upload any number pdf file, technical reference sheets, etc)
Each "Collection" is kinda like a separate post of SN or whatever...meaning that you see all your collections when you login and can jump into the appropriate one.
Then every question you ask in that "Collection" will be specifically geared towards that topic -- using those additionally provided reference material and instructions you originally provided. Additionally as the length of that topic grows into dozens or hundreds of queries, the AI model gets further and further context of what you are trying to achieve and can refer back to previous queries.
Its quite neat and pretty helpful. I'm not sure if I will stick with it or not, but at $20 per month its quite reasonable. Kinda like having a research assistant to help you....
I’ve been using the free version on my phone and laptop, app and website
Do you use Claude with Perplexity Pro?
I find Claude better for straight technical questions. However Chat-GPT4 seems better at finding info on social sites.
One thing I forgot to mention, is it has a "Focus" mode that basically skews search results towards discussion forums, reddit, etc. So if you ask a question is "What is best framework for blah...blah...blah" it avoids all the vendor specific websites and focuses on what others are saying about the framework. ChatGPT seems better for that.
Good to know. Thank you. I have so much to learn.