pull down to refresh

Weird question for @ek: Is there any reason that zapping a bot through NWC would fail? It happened twice on an @hn post. It succeeded on retry each time.
Mhh, no, it’s no different than zapping anyone else with a custodial wallet (you reminded me that I have to take care of @hn’s and @oracle’s wallet soon, too).
Do the logs say why it failed?
Good news. Those fails were regarding original LNC zaps that I would retry. I guess each time I retried a new invoice was generated, so I didn't account for how delayed the notification would be.
Anyway, I have still not had a single NWC fail. Honestly, the transition has been so smooth. I have stopped thinking about it.
The message offered a retry, and I accepted. The log doesn't reflect a failure. I shouldn't have retried. Next time, if there is a next time, I'll let it fail and send you a screenshot of the log.