I cannot agree less on the general suggestion of avoiding to study foreign languages. This suggestion probably comes out of a brit-american person used to mess around in the planet thinking that anyone shall obey to their dictat.
Freedom is a path that forces the individual in reshaping his/her knowledge and making it blunter. Languages are knowledge, they make your brain work, both from the computational point of view and from the cultural one.
Coding languages are great and you're right, I also suggest to study them. But it's not a mutually exclusive scenario...coding languages are utilitarian tools, foreign languages are a tool of for culture.
As a final remark, tools for translation are out there, but that does not mean that it's not worth learning the language.
  • Have you ever found yourself in a foreign country with no access to digital devices?
  • Have you ever tried to ask yourself "uhm, I wonder how this essay/novel/book/article/whatever is in its original form" - and not translated
Sooner or later, anyone will happen to be a foreigner somewhere, being it a party o a different country. The ability to adapt is one of the best tools human beings have, just cultivate it.