What would one disable change addresses?
depends of the use case. Sometimes you do not want to use a high gap of addresses, sometimes you want to send the change to another wallet.... I would like to see more onchain wallets offering the option to input an external change address from another wallet, when you construct the tx. Maybe I do not want to keep small change in my actual wallet and move it to a specific one, where I can do consolidations or use them for opening LN channels.
IT'S ALL ABOUT HOW YOU ARE DOING YOUR COIN CONTROL. https://m.stacker.news/48031
21 sats \ 2 replies \ @OT 25 Aug
Right, I understand that its good to have control over where the change goes. Either to a new address in the same wallet or another address from a different wallet. But what does disabling change address do? It sounds like if you disable change addresses then you'll only be able to send the whole UTXO with the fee.
I think the change is going to remain in the same address, but I am not so sure, never tried such thing. Good question, where is going the change... @Murch can you give some insight?
I don’t know why one would want to disable change addresses.