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It is a common mistake to consider a country as a place where people live within an accepted culture; that would be called “land”.
For example: The name of England came from “the land of the Angles” or “Engla-Land”, which was the home of Germanic Tribes called “Angles”, who lived upon the land.
The name country came from the word county, which referred to a jurisdiction placed upon the land, usually by a king or monarch.
People who lived within this jurisdiction were considered “subjects” to the king, making them subject to his rule, where he would “count” the heads living upon the land, who would then became taxpayers.
Note: “Subject” is the title given to the person who has become subjugated; the act of subjugation refers to the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control.
A country is just a collection of counties, or “communities of taxpayers”, under subjugation of a king. Today it means under the jurisdiction of a corporation, which exists on paper only.
Note: Moving from one country to another, with a change in jurisdiction, can be done by the stroke of a pen.
this remind me about those "patriots" saying "I love my country", in fact it means I love to pay taxes and be a slave LOL
Few people understand the importance of this chart and where they place themselves