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Hi everyone!
Yesterday, I won fun fact friday here on SN and I'm so grateful for it! It's great to see that this is not a contest that gives any benifit to its direct host. I realised that this is a contest that is just hold as an act of charity or generosity.
I can see that there are many contests on SN like Meme Mondays, Fun Fact Fridays, Sports Pools etc. I can clearly see that these are funded by someone without getting back Sats.
Out of curiosity a question rose in my mind. Why do SN or stackers hold such competitions where they seemingly don't get direct benifits?
So, I wanna ask here, what do you think? Why SN holds such competitions?
Are there some indirect benifits or something else?
Also, because I've won for the first time, I'm gonna zap back the best comments with 101 sats. It's a pious number in India. It's used as 'Shagun'(good omen).
Its all about the fun. Most of the older stackers here enjoy creating a fun environment.
Yep, it's all in good fun.
The sports pools are generally funded by the participants, in one way or another. Although, @grayruby pays for his pick 'em contests out of his own pocket.
As someone who has zapped more than I've been zapped, and donated to various pools, it's all about building a community. Won't get people to leave other sites like reddit without user activity and engagement.
If that's the way it is, I love it!
Zapped it with 101!
Wonโ€™t let this go unzapped. Thank you for your generosity
Because it is fun and enhances engagement on the site. The more people use the site, and enjoy the site, the more likely they are to tell others about it.
Thank you! I'll also tell others about it.
Here's 101!
Well, I organise bounties when I get a substantial zap and feel compelled to pay it forward. It helps the endorphins to last longer!
Thanks for the education wrt 101! Did you know that there is a building in Taipei called Taipei 101?
And an animated movie 101 Dalmatians ๐Ÿ˜
Youโ€™re right! I forgot about that
Thank you for the knowledge! Didn't know that!
The reason you gave sounds pretty solid so here's 101 for you as well.
122 sats \ 1 reply \ @ek 25 Aug 2024
Also, because I've won for the first time, I'm gonna zap back the best comments with 101 sats.
I think that's part of the answer
Thank you ๐Ÿ™ !
I'll remember this forever!
It's like customs. Just like 25th of December is Xmas 3 of January is financial revolution day. The same with Monday when stackerNews celebrate meme Monday and people come here and have fun
Did I ask when? I asked why? ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here's 101!
c'mon, read it one more.
  • Why?
  • because it's like a customs or holiday and people cherish these days. Memes made Bitcoin huge
It's about having fun and boosting engagement and connecting with stackers. It's also about entertainment, increasing your reach in community, and gaining recognition.
Gaining recognition! I like it. So, you gain recognition under the nym here!
Here's 101!
I'm with you, OP. I think the whole thing is a CIA psyop!
I like to think there's an anon somewhere in the other side of the world who is happy about getting sats.