Self Knowledge is not self-awareness and also not introspection.
To know the Self is the most meaningful quest in each one’s life time. This is the ‘atma-anatma’ jnana (Self Knowledge) that is taught in the Upanishads. They address human beings as the ‘sons of immortality, amrithasya putra,’ to remind them of their true nature which is the atma within and not the perishable body,
Self Knowledge is another dimension that can be added to the discussion you've brought. However very peculiar to religion and faith, it's very universal.
Know then thyself, presume not God to scan; The proper study of mankind is man.
To realise sel knowledge we should probe questions such as ‘who we are, where we come from, what is the purpose of our life, and where we are heading, etc.’ Giving constant thought to these issues alone can help one to formulate a correct perspective of oneself in relation to the cosmic scheme of things.
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