It would be such a pleasure to see the comparison of kamala with peron become mainstream. Actually, we call Biden here "Juan Domingo Biden", for being the exact parallel of Juan Domingo Perón, something we still can believe the USA voluntarily fell for after giving it all to reject such regimes in WWII. We looked at you as an example guys!! What happened?!?!
I went to grad school with a progressive guy from New Zealand. He thought America was the worst and New Zealand was awesome, but was often surprised to learn that capitalist America had a more restricted economy than his beloved progressive New Zealand.
Basically, what happened is our prosperity became a magnet for rent seeking sociopaths who flooded into government and politics.
Did you speak with your kiwi friend during or after covid? NZ covid mandates were draconian and that terrible prime minister is one example of why you don’t want women in positions of power and authority
Almost entirely before Covid. Not surprisingly, he was a full-blown Covid hysteric and I barely saw him during or after.
The welfare state is the mother of all evil. But it came before the sociopaths so, how did America started to believe it was a good idea?
You probably have to go back to the Progressive Era to understand that. A sort of industrial nationalism displaced individual liberty as the dominant political ethos. We can thank the Prussians for that nonsense.
Americans started wanting the government to do grand projects, more than they just wanted it to leave them alone (and conquer the frontier).
Excellent, I really think this is the base problem. To counter it is part of the work I'm focusing on now.
We need to bankrupt the enemy and prosecute them for corruption and graft and other left wing crimes against humanity.