Today I bring you a variety of street photographs that I captured in a single day while driving through different areas of my city looking for photographs to share with you.
This photos show the day-to-day life of the city where I live, San Cristobal, Tachira Venezuela.
One of the things I like most about this city is that it is very peaceful and its people are very kind. Everyone is focused on working and getting ahead, and I feel that you can see that in the faces of the working people, always looking for ways to earn a living for their homes. Everyone has come up with their own way, like this people who sell fruit on the street:
Or this man who sells household cleaning supplies:
The next photo is of a woman selling empanadas on the street, something very typical in Venezuela. I loved this photo because it has many layers of depth:
Thanks Good, public transportation in this city is still working, although it is not as modern as in big cities..
The following two people were in different parts of the city waiting for public transportation:
Others don't wait, they prefer to walk since this city is small and you can walk everywhere.
Others go by bike:
Others go by motorcycle:
Or by car
But the best thing is that in the end, everyone finds a way to keep moving forward!
this territory is moderated
The caught unawares are painting a million words. Personally it is not appropriate someone like me to judge for my country is not perfect in every little way but I just want to emphasize that life is a roller coaster so please do not apologize or even believe that we are ignorant enough to believe the sensationalist approach of MSM when it comes to Venezuela. Whatever is happening in your country, you should settle it without outside intervention.
Our country Venezuela remains so beautiful and diverse despite the circumstances in which it currently lives.
How is the situation in Venezuela right now?