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Technological Innovations27.8%
Global Connectivity11.1%
Information Abundance27.8%
Diverse Perspectives0.0%
Medical Advancements11.1%
Creative Expression5.6%
Environmental Awareness0.0%
Social Progress2.8%
Digital Entertainment2.8%
Other (Write in comment box)11.1%
36 votes \ poll ended
How can information abundance be the best part?
It's actually the worst part in my opinion.
Creative expression is different all others are actually same.
The accumulated wisdom available coupled with how accessible it is. It's sad how crappy things can get even with that background, but it's not the background's fault.
I'd say technological innovations are the biggest because everything seems to getting dependent on them
Global connectivity relates to our activities here at Stacker News. I may be new but I am ready to fully connect with fellow Stackers. Global connectivity is really the best part of being human. We may be different in so many ways but we are Globally Connected.
The plethora of choices. The world is the youth’s oyster
Creative Expression is the best reason or part of being human. All the rest are technologically dependent.
So many on this list do not happen without Technology Innovation.
Enough food for everybody, a shame that the distribution is not perfect
Global connectivity
Love, Freedom, Peace and Satisfaction
As a musician, there have never been more ways to create art. It has never been easier to express yourself.
It's also easy to tell what art has been created by a human and what hasn't.
Perhaps a combination of some of them. Medical advances to live better and longer, so that you could get more to time to learn and thanks to global connectivity make it easier. Then technical innovations to apply your knowledge and improve your creative expression. All of them connected!!!
Relatively high levels of economic freedom, and economic opportunity for average people. It's getting worse lately but it's still much better than any other time in history.
Relative material abundance compared to the last thousands of years of human history
I sincerely believe that human beings have turned towards the technological era and have become empty and idiotic because of technology. Learning today is one of the escapes from indoctrination, from awakening from all the things that the system does to us.
Bigger history timeline to study and learn from?
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