I am going to try my best to make the AMA with James today but more than likely I will miss it. My wife had a follow up appointment yesterday and the doctor wants her to get some tests done at the hospital today so I have to drive her to the city. I am hoping the timing of everything will allow me to pop in and participate but really not sure.
If I don't make it can you ask James the following for me:
"The Bitcoin opportunity fund has made a concerted effort to distinguish itself as bitcoin, not crypto, focused. Bitcoin still gets conflated with crypto amongst the media talking heads and politicians- although we are getting more references to "bitcoin and crypto" rather than just crypto. Among the investment community are you seeing a better understanding of the difference between Bitcoin and broader crypto or do they still see it as one big "digital assets" bucket?"
Much appreciated.
Of course. Best wishes for you and your wife. Im glad you gave me this task. I can't think of anything intelligent to ask him.
Thanks and thanks for the best wishes.
I thought you wanted to ask James about volatility insurance for orgs that transact in Bitcoin.
Yes, but I'm not sure it's a viable idea. I'm still thinking about it.