From Matthew Kratter's Bitcoin University

Video Description

In this video, I discuss how a government's money printers combined with an unrealized capital gains tax can be used to confiscate everyone's savings over a very short period of time.
The more you print, the more you devalue cash and pump asset prices. You then use realized and unrealized capital gains taxes to harvest these pumping assets and steal from your citizens.
Ultimately, the rich will flee a country that does this, tanking the stock market and leaving behind fewer jobs and more problems for the working and middle classes.
The best hedge against terrible economic policies like this remains Bitcoin, which is portable and cannot be confiscated or debased or diluted by money printing.
The party never ends if you don't let it end!
That is the roulette that the state has led us to: increasing inflation as we see how money is diluted or crumbling more and more every day, that is why as beings awake or aware of that scam or roulette we must continue growing and learning about Bitcoin.