The ego blocks your choices by:
  • Telling you what to do
  • Imposing rules on you
  • Driven by fear, guilt and shame
  • Lack of awareness by being automatic
The higher self offers you choice by:
  • Knowing you are not your thoughts
  • Creating your own rules
  • Driven by purpose, love and passion
  • Gains awareness by being conscious
Raising your consciousness gives you more control, choice and confidence in your life.
Nice insight.
Totally agree!! controlling your positive thinking and having a vision of yourself with a view to the future and not staying in a comfort zone... also raises your consciousness... and you will not care what they think or say about you... 👌
I think this is free will. When we can be the observer of the self and do something different instead of re-act ing the way we have in the past.
Driven by fear guilt and shame
Higher self is antiegoist. The ego is the procrastinator, overthinker and thought experimenter
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