bitcoin = one sat (it was originally 10, but I wanted to make sure the well doesn't run dry)
I was getting a Sat when picking up the BTC logo But it has now stopped.
I don't know if well ran dry, bug, or if there is a limit.
It stop around ~10 for me.
Hmmm, if the well runs dry, it just won’t let you withdraw. That sounds like a bug. I’ll look into it.
One situation where I think it happens
  • Deposit 10 Sats to be able to play
  • Play and Win Game
  • Withdraw all the sats
  • Game lets you keep playing but you don't "earn" sats when picking up coin.
Yeah, still working for me. For now, maybe don’t withdraw until you’re totally done playing. I’ll try to make sure this is working for anything more serious.
Same for me. Something doesn't work.