Nigeria, a country, has always been a very socially convulsed country... between coups d'état... and revolutions! Their history is a bit eventful... and obviously they are not beyond the economic sphere, presidents if that is what you could call them... with little mental scope who tried to hide or remove any type of freedom from people's thoughts! of thought and of course economic freedom and what you want to do with what you earn from your effort! But as everything progresses, we now have Bitcoin, which is undoubtedly a window to economic freedom and free trade for the inhabitants of that country! and that no government or anyone in high places will be able to stop or take away from them! It makes me happy to know and see how every day Bitcoin makes its way throughout the world!!👍
I totally agree with you. Nigeria and many other African countries have been ruined for years by colonizers. And after they declared independence, they have not been able to advance as a country and society, and that is the result of foreign intervention that does not allow them to flourish and develop. And to all this we add the corruption and mismanagement of the locals, and we have the perfect recipe for social chaos.