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The more energy humans use the better off they are. And I cant think of using energy for many better causes than for a sound money that can’t be censored, confiscated, debased, has no border and is open for anybody to use.
Good answer, although I doubt they will buy the first part without more explanation. They think that bitcoin is useless and thus, wasted energy.
Modern conveniences like living in air conditioned houses and traveling new places by cars and planes as opposed to horses, refrigerators, washing machines, the list goes on. None of these are possible without using fare more energy today than we did 100 years ago. More energy means better quality of life. It’s no surprise that using energy in the real world (prove of work) would allow for a much better monetary system to come to life as opposed to the one we’ve lived in over the past 50 or so years where money can be created for free.
Graph nations by income or wealth on one axis and energy consumption on the other axis. What you NOT see is rick nations that are lower energy consumption or usage.