The month of September is dedicated to pleb miners who will not unplug nor comply. The backbone of the bitcoin network, dedicated to decentralisation and freedom. Today I caught up with Diverter, the godfather of Pleb mining to talk about mining for the streets and why it’s more relevant now than ever.
Here’s the opening paragraphs to jog your memory in case you have forgotten.
Don’t fall victim to the narrative pushers that would have you believe mining is “too hard”, “too expensive”, or “better left to the big players”. Sounds an awful lot like the same thing bankers and governments tell the masses about fiat money and economics now, doesn’t it? For years the narrative that has been pushed regarding Bitcoin mining is that it’s a fool’s game, better left to the professional mining farms and big players due to shrinking profitability. This guide aims to show that this is overly simplistic and narrow-minded in its view. In fact, as ways to acquire BTC without going through the dangerous KYC/AML verification process shrink, mining becomes more and more intriguing for the average user. By having the ability to create an account with no real verification required, you can simply hook up ASIC miners, plug them into a mining pool, and begin receiving payouts for your provided hashpower directly into your personally controlled Bitcoin wallet without providing any KYC/AML identifying data to be scraped.
If you haven’t already read this incredible article I suggest you check it out and click the link below.
Show guest twitter - @JonPDiGiacomo

Episode website:

As always please feel free to reach out and ask me any questions.