Yeah, I think that line takes away from the article. Weakens it IMO.
Granted, I agree that money should not be stolen by the state and sent to other governments or paid to hotels to house people. But if a reader is very pro Israel government or pro social safety net they will only remember those parts.
That's a weakness in the reader. And maybe that's why he puts stuff like that in there. If one can't read something like this article and value it even if it also says a few things you don't agree with you the reader are lost. That's a huge handicap many have.
I NEVER would have learned half of what I know if I wasn't able to listen to smart people I disagreed with. This is what separates most people. Most people aren't capable of doing this.
Well, I think this last sentence says a lot about the author. The article was ok, factual, there was no need to close it like this.
I see your points. Not sure I would call it a weakness of the reader though. Nor blame the reader for what he takes from the article.